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“The seal 'Racism, not here!' perhaps it is the only strategy truly capable of combating racism in Brazil in a serious, peaceful and effective way.”


João Silva. The Man of a Thousand and One Marks

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"We need to be aware that this seal puts us in the obligation to fight to strengthen the institution in the fight against racism and, in addition, it is important to understand the need to make black men and women more visible"
Ilana Tromba, Diretora-Geral do Senado Federal.

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"We were happy and honored to receive the seal, first because we reaffirm Olodum's mission, to combat racism and all forms of violence, but also because it was designed and created by someone who understands and knows our struggle closely. João is a great friend and partner who is very present in our fight for the promotion and affirmation of the black community in Bahia and throughout Brazil, through socio-cultural and artistic actions and also in the peaceful protests that we have promoted since the 80s. The anti-racist fight It is a main part of the construction of our history and the basis is Maciel Pelourinho, our people and the faith we have in Olodumaré that makes us believe that one day, we will eliminate racism and discrimination from our lives!"

Jorginho Rodrigues
Executive President of Olodum.

“As legitimate representatives of the Salvador Carnival, we consider that the seal comes to reaffirm the plural condition of the party and the way in which we have always sought to guide our social and business activity”, states Nery. “We hope that, from the moment the seal is endorsed for companies, it can be a transformative and inclusive element.”

Joaquim Nery
Chameleon Block

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“We refuse to live in a less egalitarian, less inclusive, and less ecological world. The world is in a hurry and needs more effective awareness in everyone, and guests at the Capão Inn are part of this community of thought, which is why the 'Racism, not here' seal is important!”

Emanuel Requiao

Pousada do Capão

“The adoption of the 'Certificate of Social Commitment: Racism, not here!' it goes beyond the boundaries of a "seal", it becomes an instrument of engagement, of attitude, of clear and direct positioning against racist behavior! For new times, new postures!”


Luiz Henrique do Amaral
Abrasel Executive Present in Bahia

"The Contemporary Dance School receives with great responsibility the “Racism Here No” seal. For 33 years we have believed that racism is inconceivable in our society and that is why we are committed to educating our children and young people to be aware of this issue ” .

Fatima Suarez
Director of the Contemporary Dance School

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